Comparison Chart of Fear and Ignorance
Mom Life

How to Ensure Productivity

Currently I work three days a week in the office for my corporate America job. When I sit down to blog or start my corporate office days, I need to ensure that I meet my goals. Productivity is key.

In order to keep my blog active and progressive, which is a big passion for me, my nanny comes one more scheduled day during the week. This one day allows me to get self-care, attend appointments, run personal errands and blog.

It’s important to get as much done as possible on these days to allow “family time” in the evenings and on weekends.

Tell me in the comments how you stay productive! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration

pro·duc·tiv·i·ty /ˌprōˌdəkˈtivədē,ˌprädəkˈtivədē/ noun

the state or quality of producing something, especially crops.”the long-term productivity of land”

Oxford Dictionary

What distracts from productivity?

Maybe you’ve heard the following quotes:

  • Fear is the root of all evil
  • Ignorance is the root of all evil

Both quotes are relevant to me. At their roots, fear and ignorance are both extremely relevant to distraction. Many people are smart to see that they cause bad things and they differ in the approach to dismantle them.

Fear is an inward distraction to productivity. Ignorance prevents practical momentum.

Understand Fear and Ignorance

Fear /ˈfir/ noun

an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
Opposites: calmness and confidence

Oxford Dictionary

Ignorance /ˈiɡnərəns/ noun

lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated

Opposites: knowledge and education

Oxford Dictionary

Tools to Ensure Productivity

Identify Negative Emotions

Personally, I believe that all negative emotions come down to fear. Have you heard of the feeling wheel? It’s a powerful tool to assess what’s going on with your emotions.

Feeling Wheel

Replace Negativity

One way I like to process distraction is search the related bible verses. is my favorite online resource. So, I searched for “bible verses related to fear.” Then, I read and enjoy until something sticks out.

Once something sticks out, I apply the verse to my life. Below is an example of some verses and what they told me were important about both fear and ignorance:

productivity mindsets

If you want to get really deep into my favorite journaling exercise, you can explore my activity called “Gather, Identify, Replace.” Also, continue reading about my mom life adventures here!

Now get to your to do list!


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